Governor Cuomo said today that he does not expect the "reunification" of the senate Democrats and the Independent Democratic Conference to happen this year, but has had discussions about it becoming a reality in 2015. Saying he and the legislature have some "cleanup items" to take care of, Cuomo says he does not expect any "major legislative initiatives" before the expected end of session next week. The governor also addressed a possible medical marijuana bill coming from the legislature and the Boards of Elections saying the $150,00 contribution limit is unenforceable.
Cuomo was at the opening of the new Taste of NY Market at Todd Hill Rest Area on the Taconic Parkway in Dutchess County. It is owned by the state and Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County will operate and manage the facility. As you can see toward the end of the above clip, the governor bought an $8.50 jar of tomato sauce.