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Cuomo Accuser: 'I Have a Voice and Now I've Decided to Use It'

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Brittany Commisso, also known as Executive Assistant #1
Times Union/Will Waldron

Times Union Exclusive | Cuomo Accuser: 'I Have a Voice and Now I've Decided to Use it'

The Times Union is a partner of New York NOW and WMHT Public Media.

ALBANY — Brittany Commisso, the 33-year-old executive assistant who Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has accused of lying about an incident in which she said he groped her breast at the Executive Mansion, revealed her identity publicly in an exclusive interview with the Times Union and CBS News.

She said the governor is the one being untruthful.

Commisso referred to remarks the governor had made in recent weeks: “To paraphrase … he said if you give New Yorkers the truth, and you give New Yorkers the facts — the good, the bad, the ugly — they will do the right thing,’ ” she said. “I would say, governor, this is the truth; these are the facts. And it’s your turn to do the right thing. And that right thing is to resign and to tell the truth.”


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