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Can SNUG anti-violence program retain funding?

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'New York NOW' takes a look at the violence intervention program Operation SNUG ('guns' spelled backwards), in which former felons who have turned their lives around reach out to young men and women residing in inner-cities who are considered to be part of the high-risk population. Although advocates of the state-funded program say it has made a positive difference in many communities, SNUG operations across the state, from Niagara Falls to the five boroughs, have closed their doors a mere two years later. Click on the video below to watch members of the SNUG street team discuss the program as they search for a way to continue it.

Update: Two weeks after the SNUG program was highlighted on 'New York NOW,' it was announced that SNUG operations in Yonkers, Brooklyn, Harlem, Albany and Niagara Falls have received funding for next year (watch here at the seven-minute mark).