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NYC Firefighter shares his story from 9/11

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On the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks in Manhattan, around 75 members, both past and present, of New York City Fire Department’s Engine 6 fire company came to the New York State Museum for a remembrance ceremony.

Engine 6 is the centerpiece of the moving exhibit at the museum and the members stopped and stood for six moments of silence at the exact time the four planes crashed, as well as the moments the towers collapsed.

Roger Sakowich was the captain of Engine 6 on September 11th, 2001 and lost four of his men that day. He told us the story behind the damaged truck and how he began to account for all of the members in his company after his arrival in southern Manhattan.

WMHT9/11 Remembrance at NYSM

The former captain of Engine for the NYC FD talks about 9/11 on the 11th anniversary of the attacks. For more go to