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Cuomo threatens to sue over Collins- Faso provision in the ACA

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Governor Cuomo says he’s considering suing the federal government over an amendment to the health care act proposed by two New York Congressman, saying it may violate state sovereignty.

Congressmen Chris Collins and John Faso support a plan that would require New York State to take over the counties share of Medicaid costs, outside of New York City, worth around $2.3 billion dollars.  The plan does not offer funds to pay for the shift, and Governor Cuomo, in the third day of attacks against the plan, says anyone who believes it’s a savings for taxpayers “is being taken for a ride”.

Cuomo says the attempts by the federal government to alter state policy might violate state sovereignty because New York is the only state affected by the amendment.

“I believe it is unconstitutional,” said Cuomo “We are seriously considering a lawsuit.”

Cuomo also says the state budget, which is due next week, may now be held up over the uncertainty over federal funding for health care and other items. The state stands to lose as much as $7 billion dollars a year under the current version of the health care bill.